Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Days in the Park is back... in The Parks!

It's a question I've heard many times over the past several weeks since my Annual Pass "blacked out" at the end of June and I've been forced to stay at home: "How do you stand it?" "It", of course, being the ability to go to Disneyland and do one of the things I love most in life.

I have all the right answers, of course, ranging from "I'm trying to save a little money", to "I have three kids who have all kinds of different interests now and football don't come cheap!", to my personal favorite, "It's no big deal. Really!" It's been difficult, and I've missed going, but now that I'm on the other side of the fence, so to speak, the time has come for me to re-assume my place inside the walls of The Parks and re-enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy; the happiest place on earth!

Am I being overly dramatic? Perhaps. But anyone who knows me, really knows me, knows that in some small way it was killing me to not be able to go to Disneyland whenever I wanted to like I could before, and I suppose there's no use in pretending it wasn't. But at the end of the day, as an adult, with a wife and children, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do at the time. It's just going to make it that much sweeter walking in those gates this afternoon.

So if you're new to Days in the Park, or perhaps an old hat who's been following me for quite some time now (and there are some of this, which continues to puzzle and amaze me), I think I'm going to have some pretty great stuff for you in the near future. I'm going to be there today with bells and whistles on (or, if you prefer, my eyes open and my camera ready!), and I'm going to make the most of it. Feel free to check back over the next few days to see just some of what I'll be seeing today, or if you're not already, please (because it seems to be my achilles heel) follow along on my Instagram account @daysinthepark for live pictures from inside The Parks throughout The Day. By all means, please keep coming back for more pictures and all the information I have time to throw at you. I promise to, now that I can, go as often as I can and keep throwing them at you.

"To all who come to this happy place, welcome!"

Thank you Uncle Walt, I think I will...


Writers' Waiting Room said...

I'm going back in two weeks and I can't wait. It's my first time back since my novel My Affair with Mickey (set in Disneyland) was published. SO excited. I may just wander the first day and let the park soak back in.

Unknown said...

There's nothing quite like just "wandering" and soaking it all in, Writers' Waiting Room - we can totally get behind that.
Hope that you had a wonderful time! :)

Writers' Waiting Room said...

I certainly did. It was though, the hottest trip to the park for me. On the plus side the heat wave kept many (smarter? :)) people home so the lines were non-existent.

Unknown said...

That's great to hear, Writers'!
We were also there on the 14th (may've been the same day as you) and I've honestly never been there with it THAT hot before. It was miserable heat-wise, but exactly like you said, it was FANTASTIC crowd-control! We ran around and rode attractions ALL DAY LONG with hardly any lines whatsoever. Even the Halloween Time stuff had no lines; it was fantastic!
I need to make sure I go on the hottest day of the year NEXT YEAR too ;)