Friday, March 11, 2011

Magical Blogorail: The Days In The Park Bucket List

Welcome to those of you joining me from "Pursuing The Magic".  I am the 6th stop on our Magical Blogorail.

When Days In The Park first decided on writing a blog of our own, one of the first things we did was to look at other Park-oriented blogs, of course, to see how they were done and what people talked about.

One of the first things we noticed on a lot of them, and that drew us in almost immediately just because it seemed like it would be so much fun to do, was to have a "Bucket List" of Park-related activities that we would love to do.  For those unfamiliar with the whole concept, a "Bucket List" is (per Urban Dictionary):
A list of things to do before you die. Comes from the term "kicked the bucket". 
Now, obviously we're not really looking at this in terms of things to do "before we die", but we're sure you get the idea.  It's a list of items, activities, restaurants and the like that we know are inside The Parks (and outside sometimes for that matter) that we'd like to do within a set period of time.  For our purposes, we'd like to do one each year and hope to complete each item by the end of said year.

Back at the beginning of the year, we compiled our own 2011 Bucket List and put it on our website.  Don't believe us?  Look above this article and you'll see it listed in our pages.  See, we told you.  

But, since we're supposed to be writing an article we're going to reproduce it here for your perusal.  Feel free to click on any of the one's we've completed (other than the Buzz Lighyear one; Amy never furnished proof but we went on her word since we like her so much) for photographic evidence should you so desire.

The 2011 Days In The Park "Bucket List": 

General Hi-jinks (in no particular order):
  1. Participate in (or win) a Disney Parks Blog activity or contest
  2. Complete our first Vinylmation set - completed 1/20 with Chad's Park Series #5 set
  3. Attend Mickey's Halloween Party
  4. Finally ride 'Grizzly River Run'!  (this one is for Chad) - completed 3/6
  5. Participate in the "A Walk In Walt's Footsteps Tour"
  6. D23 membership! - completed 1/02 as Chad bought his membership
  7. Attend 1 day of the D23 expo
  8. Attend 2 days of the D23 expo
  9. Attend ALL 3 days of the D23 expo
  10. Meet a celebrity in The Park
  11. Somehow, some way, be one of the first to ride Star Tours:  The Adventure Continues
  12. Somehow, some way, be one of the first to ride The Little Mermaid:  Ariel's Undersea Adventure
  13. Ride the Columbia - completed 1/23
  14. Break our 'Splash Mountain' record and ride it six consecutive times without leaving our flume
  15. Break our High Score on 'Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters' - completed the day Amy joined our group and confessed a high score of over 1,000,000
  16. See the Candlelight Processional in its entirety
  17. Ride in the Lilly Belle
Food wise:
  1. Dine at Napa Rose
  2. Dine at Steakhouse 55
  3. Dine at Goofy's Kitchen
And the grand-daddy of ours, and most every other Disneyland "bucket list" we've ever seen...:
  1. Dine at Club 33 - completed 2/20
As you can see, so far we've been very productive this year with our list.  We didn't want to make a list that was too cumbersome or all-inclusive (so we have something for next year) so we just went with the first 20 or so things that popped into our heads.  Looking over what's left, we think we've left ourselves things that are for the most part still quite doable with just enough of a challenge left to keep it interesting.

What about you?  You've been reading through all of these blogs and all our lists (with still one more to go) to see what we want to do; how about yourself?  Do you have a "bucket list" of your own that you'd like to share?  Something you think we should add to ours?  Let us know, we'd love to hear from you!  

Your next stop on the Magical Blogorail Loop is "The Canadisney Blog".

Here is the map of our Magical Blogorail should you happen to have to make a stop along the way and want to reboard:
3rd Stop ~ Meet the Magic
6th Stop ~ Days in the Park
Final Stop ~ The CanaDisney Blog

Thanks for stopping by!


Unknown said...

We just don't have it YET. We're going to see if we can dig it up, though. :)

Hedy @ WDW Not Just for Kids said...

The Halloween Party in WDW is awesome.

Beth Doda ~ disneymom2jhe said...

Love adding the "proof!" Great list! I should have added the D23 to my list too.

Unknown said...

@Hedy - I've never done the one at The Park here before. We're really looking forward to it this year! :)

Unknown said...

@Beth - Yeah, I though it gave it just a litle touch. You know me, find it hard to do a post with NO pictures whatsoever in SOME shape or form. :)

Jason Tucker said...

Great list! I've been working on something like this too.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Jason!

Gives us something to shoot for as the year goes on. :)