Saturday, March 12, 2011

The ParkCast Is Now Available On iTunes!

In light of the fact that our first podcast went out this week, it probably seems as though we've been talking about it too much.  Well, maybe not, but we're trying not to plug it to the point of being annoying about it.

But we did promise we would let everyone know when it was available on iTunes, and it went up in their search as of yesterday afternoon.  If you'd like to check it out, you can open up your iTunes and do a search in the store for Days In The ParkCast, and there we'll be!

So as of now there are several ways to listen to us should you so desire.  
  • If you have subscribed to the Days In The ParkCast feed through Google Reader (or whatever reader you desire for that matter) you can listen to or download our show there.
  • You can listen to us straight from our Days In The ParkCast website where we are housing all of our podcasts.
  • And of course now you can listen to us through iTunes - you can search for us there, or, we've provided a handy link in our sidebar (at the top) for you to subscribe with that will take you directly to our iTunes page.  You can then view it in iTunes if you'd like and subscribe from there.
We haven't had a lot of feedback, but what we've had has been generally positive (once we got it all up and running properly) so if you'd like to listen, we'd love for you to.  And if you do happen to listen to us in iTunes, we'd love to have you leave a review for us (every little bit helps).  Unless you didn't really like it very much, in which case we eschew you of an responsibility in that matter.


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