Sunday, March 13, 2011

Odds and Ends: Weekly Cap-Off (3/7 - 3/13)

Visits to the Park this week:  2
Multiple visits have returned!  We spent some time with some friends in The Park on Friday evening just roaming around and having fun; we even got to see "Remember... When Dreams Come True" and Fantasmic! which always makes us happy.

We're back in The Park tonight to knock off another one of our "Bucket List" items, so stay tuned this week to find out just which one it was!

Last Week on Days In The Park:
On Monday  we introduced the world to our podcast - the Days In The ParkCast

Tuesday, we took a much needed break to reboot and take care of some things aside from the website that we needed to

For our "Almost" Wordless Wednesday, we shared some random Park-inspired goodness with our pictures

We gave you another "Karacters I Love Thursday" (KILT) post with Mulan and Mushu on Thursday

Friday, we hopped back on board the Magical Blogorail Blue Line for a look at the Days In The Park Bucket List

And finally, on Saturday, our podcast finally made it into the iTunes store and, as per our promise, we let you know about it!

At the Resort:
Well, with "Family Fun Weekends" having closed out last weekend, there weren't really any new activities taking place in The Parks.  There was a D23 mixer we really wanted to attend on Thursday evening, but Chad missed the ticket deadline the day they went up, and those things were gone fast!  D'oh!  We've said it before, but it bears saying again that we really enjoyed the "Family Fun Weekends".  We thought that The Parks really put on some well-thought out activities and did a spectacular job of putting it all together.  We continue to hope that they will continue and become a regular part of Park activities in the future.  The Disney Parks Blog as always did an excellent write up of the event, and included a nice little video as well, which you can check out on their home page!  

In addition, the official blog of The Parks also noted that work continues to move forward on The Little Mermaid - Ariel's Undersea Adventure and that Ursula was recently installed in her new home.  Check out this awesome video of the workers and Imagineers responsible for bring her to life in what is definitely shaping up to be one fantastic attraction!

Here At Days In The Park: 
As usual, we have several different things we're working on trying to do this week.  We'll continue to have our weekly photo articles up with our "Almost Wordless Wednesday" and "KILT" segments, and we'll be introducing another photo segment this week that we think should be fun.

We're also cooking up a few articles featuring some Gowalla fun, another "Amy's Favorite Things" (that Chad is trying to cut in on), and a couple of other things we'll keep close to the vest for now.

Hope you'll keep dropping by to spend a virtual Day In The Park with us.  We enjoy having you around!


Magical Days with the Mouse said...

What a week you guys had! Congrats again on the podcast, and for making it on iTunes! Very exciting. I'm dying to know what you are knocking off your bucket list!! Good stuff. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot, Sarah!

So glad to have you around as one of our most loyalest readers ;)