Thursday, March 17, 2011

KILT (Karacters I Love Thursday): Jasmine and Genie

We were lucky enough to catch Jasmine and Genie hanging around in Aladdin's Oasis as we were walking out of Adventureland one Sunday.  They might be out a lot more than we give them credit for, but we honestly haven't seen them since (not in this particular combo), so we were thankful for the opportunity to get the picture.

Jasmine poses for someone else while Genie poses for us!


Beth Doda ~ disneymom2jhe said...

Great shot! We have seen Jasmine and Aladdin every trip across from the Morocco Pavilion, but haven't met up with Genie yet.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Beth!

We see Aladdin and Jasmine quite a bit, but rarely see the Genie. Was a real treat for us! :)