Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Almost" Wordless Wednesday: A Hotel And A Steakhouse

Sometimes, just sometimes, we take leave of our senses and wish we lived out of state (or weren't Annual Passholders) so we'd have a better reason to come and stay at one of The Resort Hotels.  One of the great things though, is that even though we don't stay at them, we can still experience much of the wonder that they have to offer.  We spent quite a bit of time this past Sunday in the Disneyland Hotel and took pictures of many of the things we got to see and experience.  These are just a few of them.


Yeah, it was THAT good...

Do we need to say anything?

Cartoon room where we watched some classic Disney Toons with Goofy (he was on a break)

REALLY enjoyed some of the angles in this picture

You note while Chad is taking pictures for the site Mark is playing around with an Autopia car

The Wall Of Fame (and lots of Disneyana)!

Mickey and Minnie flank this awesome mural in the Hotel lobby

Tink came out a little blurry, but we really liked this one



Magical Days with the Mouse said...

Great post!! I was there today (Tuesday) actually, and did all of those things except the Steak House. M watched cartoons in that room with my mom, while I used the restroom. Hahaha. I also got some great pictures of M in the autopia car. Even though I was there for maybe 30-45 mins looking around, it was a nice little get away. I felt like I was on vacation. There really is so much to see at the resort.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Sarah :)

Yeah, there's always so much to do other than just spend time in The Parks, and so much to see!

We had a blast and it was a really awesome evening. :)

Alyssa said...

Love Steakhouse 55 and I don't even eat steak! Great salmon though and breakfast... love the breakfast. :-) And the Walt atmosphere of course! :-) Nice post, thanks for sharing the pics!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Alyssa!

We'll have to do breakfast one of these days. As fans of steak, though, we wanted to do dinner the first time out, and it was a first time for ALL of us (even Amy; who has usually done everything while we're kind of lagging behind). :)