Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We're Taking A Break For A Couple Of Days...

Wow!  It's been quite a streak for us!  Looking back we've posted something each and every day since January 28.  In fact, there were a few days here and there since then that we posted multiple articles in one day.

But, we're pretty much fried a bit at this point and need to take a couple of days to reboot the system.  Spend a little more time doing family things and a little less time writing.  Spend a little more time cleaning and a little less time making the website function the way we want it to; that kind of stuff.  And now that the first episode of the Days In The ParkCast is up, if you haven't listened to it yet, that should tide you over hopefully.

So bear with us as we take a couple of days off to work on some more "home-y" type things and re-assess a few things maybe about the website.  We promise to be back bright and early Thursday morning with KILT and then it'll be business as usual.

And a special "Thank You" to all of our readers, and to everyone who read us last week.  It was the best week we ever had.  We're thankful for each and every one of you.

See ya Thursday!

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