Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Almost" Wordless Wednesday: Some Random Park-Influenced Goodness

Okay, okay.  We couldn't stay away for two whole days.  We're weak like that, we guess.  So here are a few pictures we've had hanging around for a while.  We've been looking for a spot to put them, and it seemed like the perfect time.

All of these were taken with a cell phone.  Usually, we like to carry the DSLR around with us, but there's just something about grabbing shots (or at least trying to) on the fly that's appealing and very often gives pictures a little more character than a "professional" shot might have.

With that in mind, here are some shots we've taken recently in The Park, as well as some around the house that were "Park-influenced", we guess you could say.


Couldn't resist a ride.  "We think we can, we think we can..."
One of our favorite spots in The Park; and the first place we ever got yelled at to "keep our arms in the boat".
Harold likes to roam around the room late at night.  No idea how he got there.
A little Star Tours concept art.  Can't wait for 2.0!
Poor kid's been fishing for years...
The single greatest moment of my life
Chad's PS3 sporting Disney.  Even at home The Mouse is always near.
One of Amy's Favorite Things:  Mr. Smee's feet.
Stephanie enjoying a night out with Chad (and a train ride!)
Just before we tore into the box like a 5 year old on Christmas morning


Amy said...

Creepy Smee feet! Creepy Smee feet!

Unknown said...

I told you we would get it up eventually. :)