Thursday, March 24, 2011

KILT (Karacters I Love Thursday): Halloween Time Goofy

We've spent quite a bit of time over the past week talking about one of our favorite characters in The Park, Goofy, but we realized we haven't posted a single picture of him yet.  He's completely missing from our "Karacter" gallery!  We felt it was high time to rectify that, and are doing so in today's post.  

This is a picture of Goofy back during last year's Halloween Time.  Unfortunately, we weren't quite as quick on the draw as we are now (with the camera), and we missed getting a picture of him waving at us (he saw we were taking his picture).  He had turned back to his line by the time we snapped it off, but we were still glad to get a decent picture of him.

We really love the way that the characters come dressed differently oftentimes depending on the time of year it is, and this one is certainly no exception.



Beth Doda ~ disneymom2jhe said...

We have never seen the characters in costume before. We will be there this year for Halloween, which I am looking forward to!

~j said...

I adore the character's costumes at halloween and Goofy is definitely a favorite.

Unknown said...

Awesome, Beth! You guys will have a great time seeing The Parks during that time of year. It definitely adds a whole new element to the experience. Glad you guys will get to experience it! :)

Unknown said...

We love Goofy, Jill! Wish I had been a little quicker on the draw, though.

He looked right at us and waved. D'oh!


Joanne Cipressi said...

Oh Goofy! He is my Aunt's favorite. I am going to have to forward this picture to her. Thanks for sharing! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for stopping by, Joanne. We're glad that you liked it. And yes, please, by all means send other people our way. :)