Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's A Tuesday Toss-Up*!

In addition to writing something for our own blog each and every day, we also read others' blogs as often as we can.  Being the Park fans that we are, it's always good to hear other perspectives and look at the different Parks through others' eyes.

One thing we've really come to appreciate in recent weeks has been photoblogs, or picture posts.  They do say that pictures can speak a thousand words, after all.  It made us think that maybe that was something we should be more aware of.  We use a lot of pictures, but we've kind of missed the posts from the holidays that consisted of little more than the pictures themselves.

If you spend any time at all in any of the Disney Parks, you'll hear the expression "It's all in the little details" very quickly.  We take a lot of photos in The Park, and something we're trying to do a lot more of while we're in The Parks is to pay more attention to those "little details".  What better way to do that than to begin posting more pictures of those little details we see when we're in The Parks.  So from now on, whenever we spend a Day In The Park, we plan on doing picture posts.  They'll be random shots from whatever we take while we're in The Park, doing our best to focus on the "little details", or little things we come across.

We hope you like them!

May not seem like much, but we loved the way this sign placement turned out

Never noticed this door outside MuppetVision 3*D before, but got an actual chuckle out of it

Iconic, but awesome

The signage all around Main Street really gives it its flair and feel

You would think with the name "Penny Arcade" Chad would have noticed the penny long before...

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad - One of our favorite parts of the queue

Sometimes you can make your own "little details" with interesting camera angles.  He REALLY appears to be sitting in the fountain.

One of our favorite shots of Jose.  "Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet..."

*A toss-up as in we threw all of our photos in the air, and the ones that landed face up we used.  Well, metaphorically anyway...


Beth Doda ~ disneymom2jhe said...

Love the pictures, as usual! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

And as usual, thanks so much, Beth! Glad you liked them. :)