I think it's safe to say that anyone who is a Disney-phile is probably very familiar with this saying from Walt Disney; "Keep Moving Forward". The alternative is, obviously, if you're not moving forward you're either standing still or moving backwards, and those two are pretty much interchangeable with each other.
Days in the Park continues to do better than I had ever foreseen it doing; we average around 2,000 views a week, and that's without posting new articles every day, but from traffic all of my old articles are generating. I couldn't be happier that people are still finding us, and in fact, if you type in "Disneyland Blog" into Google or any other engine for that matter, there you'll find me, right near the top somewhere.
But in spite of how well (at least to me) it continues to do, I've missed blogging on a regular basis. I've thought many times over the past few months how I would broach the subject of what's been going on, and I guess the best way to say it is that the last year or so has been rough. We've been in the process of trying to move our family into a house (finally!), there have been some bullying issues with one of my children at school which led to me becoming a homeschooling dad (something I never saw coming!), and I myself have had a whole range of health problems including being diagnosed with GERD (which damaged my esophagus and caused me pain for several months) and also being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. It's been rough! As a consequence, I let "Days" slide when what I probably should have been doing was to continue to use it as an outlet and a way of reaching out like I always had. It was bad enough that at one point I went almost three months without even setting foot inside Disneyland because there was that much, let's just call it what it was, crap going on in my life.
But my place and mindset are all better now, I'm happy, and I'm ready to write! I miss my 20-30 minutes of writing every day, and I need to get back to it. It's always made me happy to share with anyone who wants to stop by and read, so that's exactly what I'm going to start doing again!
The time to move forward has come. I hope you'll be there to take those steps with me!
Live, learn, love and much magic!
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