Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Random Ramblings Around The Parks - "Almost" Wordless Wednesday

We're back! Well, sort of. We won't be back to full speed for a couple of weeks yet, unfortunately. And we promise to let you guys know exactly what has been going on that's kept us away for so long, though we can't promise it's particularly enthralling.

In the meantime though, we did manage a recent trip into The Park for some photos we thought we could share today. We hope that you'll like them as much as we did taking them.


You have to start your "Day" off right

Knowing who we get to draw ahead of time? Score!

It was unfortunately closed, and all we got was this pretty cool picture

With a cold beverage in hand, one of the best views in The Parks

Drink from the cup that is Jessica? #ThatAintRight

We think that Randall gets a bad rap. He cares!

She's waving directly at Chad. He just knows it!

Chicken Alfredo and "Remember..." at the Plaza Inn to end the day. Pretty much perfect in every way.

Focused on the Magic


Lisa said...

Great photos - fireworks are always the perfect end to the day!!

mc said...

Awesome pics, They are great reminders of Love of Disney..

Deb @ Focused on the Magic said...

Yay! So happy, Welcome back to the hop!
Just love seeing you have a magical day in the park!!

Unknown said...

Looks like a great day! What is that burger in the top picture? It looks awesome. Thanks for your work on the site, it brightens my day while I'm at work.

Steve said...

Great pictures. I'm particularly thrilled to see them posting a schedule of who the drawing class is about ahead of time. That's fantastic! If I ended up drawing Goofy one more time I was going to scream.

Colorado Mountain Mom said...

Yaaay, you're back!!

Looks like about the perfect day to me! (Unless that BBQ/Blue Cheese sandwich was breakfast. Rough.)

Alyssa Ray said...

Yay! You're back-ish!! You better have a very good reason for being gone! :D

Connie Moreno said...

Hi guys. This is Connie from the Disneyland Gazette. You guys really love the Park and that makes me happy!n