Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Tuesday Toss-Up: Children At Play

Here at Days In The Park, we firmly believe in the old adage that there's a child inside each and every one of us trying to get out.  Our problem isn't letting the kid out, it's getting him (or her) back inside!

We spent some time over the weekend just playing at and enjoying Disney California Adventure (some place we haven't spent a lot of time in as of late) before heading over to Disneyland Park to close out our night.  This is some of the randomness that transpired in picture form.


"Oh dear God, what is that flashing light?!" *insert screams here*
Ah, good times aboard our favorite maintenance service elevator.  Sarah from Magical Days With The Mouse (2nd row, middle right) looks rather bored with the paranormal shenanigans, Jen Tucker from Overheard at Disneyland (2nd row, far right) is holding on as we prepare to drop (what? holding on?!), and Days In The Park (back row, right) looks absolutely petrified.  When can we ride again?!

We spent some time hanging around Flynn's Arcade and the End Of Line Club in the Hollywood Backlot around the time that ElecTRONica got started.  It's been a while since we've been back here, and it was good to hear the techno music hasn't gotten any quieter in our absence.  Maybe next time we'll enjoy a tasty beverage with one of those little flashy ice-cube thingies they include.

Oh so pink
One of Chad's favorite segments of the entire show.  Just don't tell anyone.
"The seaweed is always greenah..."
California Screamin' looked absolutely awesome
"Light Cycles In The Mist"

It had been quite some time since we had actually seen World Of Color.  Not sure about Amy, but Mark had only seen the show once before (right after it opened) and Chad hadn't seen it since September.  On a whim (and a quick tweet or two) our site, Magical Days With The Mouse, and FindingMickey.com got our FastPasses Sunday afternoon for the 9:15 show.  It was every bit as gorgeous and amazing as we remembered it.  The new TRON bits didn't hurt one bit, either.  These are just a few of the dozens of shots we all snapped off between us, and some of our site's personal favorites from the evening.

On tonight's episode of "Nights In The Park", "When Twinkling Lights Fail!"
And lastly, an entirely new attraction in the Park that we had never seen before.  You just never know what these wonderful Imagineers are going to come up with.  Slipped it in right under our noses, they did!  It did remind us an awful lot of Space Mountain, though.


Disneynine said...

Great photos, makes me want to visit RIGHT NOW lol :-)
Looks like you had a great time.
Take care!

Amy said...

The last time I saw WOC was back in September as well... so I was certainly long overdue. Good stuff. Such a fun day! The TOT picture still kills me, LOL.

Unknown said...

LOVE the ToT picture, too. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by, Janine. Glad to see you around again. We've missed you!

We DID have a great time. Always do. :)

Magical Days with the Mouse said...

Great Tron photos Chad! Don't be surprised when you see a post similar to this. I would have posted mine today as well (as it's ready to go), but I'm still waiting to see if I can get that group photo of us in front of WOC. The good thing is we chose different photos to share except one... the end one with WOC.

I really enjoyed seeing WOC again, and I had a blast spending the day/night at the park with everyone.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Sarah! :)

I won't be surprised at all, and I'll be anxious to see what you come up with as always. The more the merrier! ;)

We had a blast with you, too. Here's to more days (and nights) like that in the future! =D