Thursday, September 23, 2010

It Is Time...

Gas (in the car, not myself)?  Check.
Camera battery charged?  Check.
Droid charged?  Check.
Tweetcaster installed on said Droid?  Check.
Annual Pass in wallet (don't laugh; i've almost forgotten it before)?  Check.

As this publishes, right now in real-time, I'm on my way down the 57 Freeway to Anaheim and Disneyland for the first of my HalloweenTime jaunts.

Nothing substantial to add today, other than the fact that we plan on shooting a ton of pictures and posting them with a ton of commentary over the next few weeks.  

A few people I know (why aren't you following us yet???) have asked us to post whatever we take so they can live vicariously through us since they can't get to the Park themselves.  We are only too happy to do that.  

So for the foreseeable future, every couple of days or so we will post new batches of Halloween photos, or ride reviews, or whatever we might across that enamors us in such a way we just can't contain ourselves. 

And we're really excited to be taking the Happiest Haunts tour at the Park in the middle of next month, so we'll be doing a review of that with information that may help you guys plan your own tours in the future.

Hope you enjoy all that we're doing, because we're sure gonna have a fun time doing it.

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