Monday, August 1, 2011

Magical Mystery Mondays! - Where Are We?

It's Monday and you know what that means!  Time for the Days crew to challenge you with another photo from our collection of some of our favorite little details.

Today's picture is a little different in that the spot it was taken may be a stumper, but the picture itself should provide you with a great clue as to exactly where it is.

So, do you know where we took this picture?

If you think you know where it is, let us know!  Leave us a comment here (probably the best way to do it), send us a Direct Message on our Twitter account @DaysInThePark, or drop us an email at; that way your answer isn't thrown out where everyone can see it and more people get a chance to guess.  We like to keep it going as long as we can and give everyone a shot!

We'll be back tomorrow morning to post up all the people who guessed correctly and give you the spot where this was taken.

Have fun, don't take it too seriously, and let the guesses fly!

We're back with the solution to yesterday's conundrum!  We had quite a few guesses yesterday from people and almost all of them were dead-near spot on.  We're thinking the fairies may have given it away.  We're not too picky about these things, so if people aren't quite right, but we know what they mean, we'll give it to them.

This particular shot can be found inside the Handicapped/Guest Assistance Viewing Room of Sleeping Beauty Castle inside Fantasyland.  It's long been one of our favorite things to do when we're roaming The Park late at night to come inside the room when there aren't many guests around and just look around at everything.  There's a ton of things to see in here and look at, and we think the room is just gorgeous.  A perfect example of the "little details in everything" we're always talking about.

As always, we like to throw a little shout-out to those who actually did get the correct answer.  They were, in order of correct guess and by Twitter name:
  • DC_Sarah_DAPS
  • Lynnet_te
  • Robinpoppins
  • puppetfool
  • Copy_Pixie
So lots of correct guesses this week!  We like that!  We'll be back next week with another picture for you guys to take a crack at.  In the meantime, if you have any spots that you know of that you would like for us to use, let us know!  You can contact us and have us take a picture of your spot ourselves (and credit you with the idea, of course!), or feel free to drop us a line at if you have a picture yourself you'd like for us to use.

Thanks for playing along with us!  And always keep your peepers open for those "little details"; you never know what you might see.


Beth Doda ~ disneymom2jhe said...

I have no idea where this is, but love the picture! :-)

Unknown said...

Beautiful picture!