Thursday, August 4, 2011

Even MORE Darth Vader Goes To Disneyland!

Since we'll actually be at the Disneyland Resort today with little time to write, it seemed like a great day to do a video post!

We were amazed at all of the detail that went into promoting the newest attraction in Disneyland Park, Star Tours: The Adventures Continue, just before and after it debuted back at the beginning of June.  We heard it said on many blogs that people couldn't remember the last time that The Resorts (both Disneyland and Walt Disney World) put so much effort into advertising an attraction.  While we have no idea whether that's actually true or not, there's no doubt we were hearing about Star Tours everywhere; radio, television, blogs.  It was everywhere!  Not that we're complaining or anything...

One of our favorite nuggets to come out of the media blitz was a commercial entitled "Darth Vader Goes To Disneyland".  Most people have probably seen it at this point, but we still watch it a couple of times on a weekly basis (we just can't seem to get enough), so we're posting it again here just on the off chance there's still someone out there not familiar with it.  It's epic!

But they've gone and upped themselves with a new video that came out just a couple of days ago on the Disney Parks YouTube Channel.  They've reintroduced the whole "Darth Vader Goes To Disneyland" phenomenon in case you missed it the first time around with several "extended" scenes from the original.  We started off with a scene of Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers at ElecTRONica, but once it's done you can jump around to any other scene you'd like to take a peek at.  We hope you get as big a kick out of these as we have.  And really, Darth Vader and Disneyland Park together; how can you go wrong?


Unknown said...

I think the best part is the music that goes along with each clip. :)

Unknown said...

It definitely helps it along! ;)
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving us a comment. You're always so good about that! :)

Alyssa Ray said...

These are hysterical! I loved the original but I had no idea they had posted more! Thanks for sharing them :) I agree that the music is so great, especially during the fireworks :D

Unknown said...

You are very welcome Alyssa! :) Thanks for coming by to take a look at them - we love em too :)