Friday, August 5, 2011

Disney Flashback Friday: To Infinity And The Rest!

It's Friday again!  Time to jump back on the blog hop with Magical Days With The Mouse and her Disney Flashback Friday where we celebrate "all things past" about our trips to the Disneyland Resort.

This week we're kicking it five years ago during the 50th Anniversary celebration at Disneyland Park.  Chad's parents were out for vacation and it was their very first visit to The Resort.  We couldn't have picked a better time or a greater celebration for a first visit!  Unfortunately, the evil Emperor Zurg seemed bent on ruining the entire trip by stoking competition levels between Chad and his dad to a fever pitch.  We've lost track of how many times we actually rode Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters on that trip since then, but it's something that we still talk about, and it's something that Chad's dad still swears he can beat him on.  We're still a year away from a trip to Walt Disney World and he's already talking smack about it.  I guess he forgot all about this!  And Chad has improved exponentially since then.  It should be interesting how this all goes down next year and we'll have to revisit this post then to find out.

Note the determination! And he still lost. Shame, really...

So that's it for this week!  We're really enjoying going back in time and poking through our old pictures to come up with moments from throughout the years to share.  We can't wait to see what we'll come up with for next week.  Hop on back here then to find out!  In the meantime, hop on over to Magical Days With The Mouse to view all of the other blogs participating and take a peek at all of their memories as well.


Magical Days with the Mouse said...

LOL!! You're gonna smoke him in a year. I love how into it he is. So GREAT!!

BhappyLove said...

This is a great flashback. I love riding Buzz with my family but everyone always beats me at it. lol.

Unknown said...

He definitely gets competitive about stuff like that. Yeah, it ain't gonna be pretty LOL
Thanks Sarah! And thanks for such a great series for a blog hop :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Brittany - it's all in good fun. I've been playing for years and just now feel comfortable with the targets and stuff. It's all for fun so just enjoy and don't take it too seriously, but I know you know that already :)

Deb @ Focused on the Magic said...

Great flash from the past! I love Buzz and am easily beaten by the "boys" but I keep going back for more:)

Unknown said...

Thanks Debs :)
I like that attitude! It's taken YEARS for us to get better, and we just keep going back too ;)